Federal News
Check back here often for the latest news affecting Firefighters and all Federal Employees
The Social Security Fairness Act: What we know so far
Government Executive, 01.09.2025
It may take time to implement this new law -- here’s what you should know for now.
Biden finalizes 2% pay raise for feds next month
Government Executive, 12.23.2024
The president was apparently unmoved by federal employee groups and some House Democrats’ pleas to restore pay parity between the civilian and military workforces.
Court dismisses criminal charges against federal firefighter arrested while conducting official duties
Government Executive, 06.11.2024
The arrest and subsequent indictment of a federal supervisor doing his job had caused panic within the workforce and has some concerned the damage will be difficult to reverse.
Biden Signs First Responder Retirement Reform Bill (Also: Locality Pay Area Tweaks Set for 2023)
Government Executive, 12.14.2022
Biden last week signed into law legislation aimed at reforming the retirement system for federal first responders who are injured during their service and forced to pursue other jobs in the federal government.
The Biden Team Announces Pay Raises of Up to $20,000 Annually for Federal Firefighters
Government Executive, 06.21.2022
The pay increases (for Wildland Firefighters), authorized as part of the bipartisan infrastructure law, will be retroactive to October 2021.
Postal Reform Measure Could Affect All Federal Retirees’ Health Benefits
Government Executive, 03.10.2022
The landmark Postal Service Reform Act (H.R. 3076) Congress passed this week ends the mandate that the Postal Service pre-fund its retiree health benefit costs and requires postal workers to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B when they turn 65. The latter provision could end up affecting all federal employees.